Fluid flow through valves – Investigate pressure drop by comparing flow through a straight pipe compared to flow through a valve [or valves of various sizes]
Fluid flow through pipes – Investigate pressure drop by comparing flow through a straight pipe compared to flow through a pipe of equal length but with elbows and tee fittings
Flow of fluid of different viscosity. Investigate the difference in flow of fluids of low and high viscosity [runniness]. For example: Water [as a base], light oil, heavy oil, treakle /golden syrup.
Fluid viscosity related to temperature. Investigate the viscosity [‘runniness’] change in a fluid when the temperature changes.
Flow of fluid related to pressure. Investigate the effect of fluid flow under various pressures through pipes.
Effect of fluids on various materials. Investigate how common industrial seal materials react to various fluids.
Electromagnet. Investigate how electrical energy can be converted into mechanical energy. [An electro magnet or solenoid]. Build a simple one.
Solenoid. Investigate solenoid coils of different wattages [power] providing differing amounts of mechanical energy. [More electrical power = more mechanical ‘push’]
Solenoid. Investigate the effect on electrical current draw [in Amps] for various Power [in Watts] DC voltage coils. This is just the Watts = DC Volts x Amps equation.
Solenoid. Investigate the effect on the resistance of a solenoid coil as the temperature changes.
Solenoid. Investigate the effect of AC voltage [as opposed to DC] on a solenoid or electromagnet. This could include
This is not a complete set of suggestions – there are more possibilities. We [ODENZ] could help with advice and some materials to enable the above experiments to be put into practice.