Teacher Information

Please note in 2024 their will be a Real fair at the stadium

Preliminary judging to select exhibits of an appropriate standard for the fair will take place at your school. The committee will provide judges for your school fairs.

Schools must register their intention to enter by Friday the 26th of July. This can be done by contacting Hugh Lensen 

The following schools have registered to make entries into the fair and their students can enter through the school

 Bohally, Havelock, Mayfield, Richmond View, Riverlands, Seddon, Springlands, St Josephs, Tua Marina

Schools should contact Hugh Lensen  with the number of exhibits they intend to be judged a week before their School Fair. Schools will then be given access to a google sheet to list their entries for judging .

The committee will organise a judging panel and a date for each school fair between the 19th of August and 18th of September.
The Judging panel will decide which exhibits have met the standard for the Regional Fair and will add comments to the google sheet and assign the accepted exhibits an entry code.

By Friday 18th September all entries from schools should be finalised on the google sheet. Schools are responsible for ensuring their entries are accurate and spelt correctly.

Display boards are available for $2 each by emailing hughandsandylensen@gmail.com

The complete Teacher Booklet may also be downloaded in pdf format.


Guidance for Exhibitors

Choose either a Scientific Investigation or a Technological Design

Technological Designs are ways of trying to solve a problem or a need that is recognised. 

We begin with identifying a need or problem. We collect information about the need or problem; testing, surveying. We analyse the information. We develop a plan to approach the problem. Design prototypes/systems to solve the problem. Evaluate the effectiveness of the prototype/system at solving the problem.

Modify or refine.

Scientific Investigations are ways of trying to find the answer to a question about the world. We begin with an hypothesis or prediction.  We test our hypothesis by experimenting or observing.  We collect and record results from our experiments. The results are interpreted/analysed and a conclusion is drawn by comparing the results with our hypothesis/prediction. 

If our hypothesis does not agree with the results we make a new one.

SCITEC Sponsors

Thank you to the SciTec sponsors who make the science fair possible.

Age Groups, Categories and Prizes

Information about the entry age groups, categories and prizes at the Marlborough Lines Science and Technology Fair.

Powering Potential Programme

Powering Potential will not only challenge Year 12 and 13 students but will also enhance their problem solving, team building and collaboration skills.

Past Exhibits Gallery

Take a look at some examples of past exhibits that were successful at the Marlborough Lines Science and Technology Fair.

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